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Contents of the project directories

Those are the directories that are included in the distribution archive, and what you'll find in each of them:

Directory Contents
client/ the unix command-line client module.
contrib/ various user-contributed programs and utilities.
contrib/SMS-VB/ GUI-based Win32 VB client contributed by Alex Cooper.
contrib/ClientSMS/ a Win32, GUI-based client for SMSLink. Requires Visual Basic. Contributed by Dimitri Bellini.
contrib/mail2sms/ mail to sms forwarding trick contributed by Steven Delport.
contrib/send_sms/ a Win32, command-line client for SMSLink. Requires Borland C++. Contributed by Melle Sprenger.
libs/ getopt(), for those platforms that don't carry it by default.
pdu-tools/ some tools to help developping / debugging PDU format and associated features.
server/ the SMS server and mail gateway modules.
varia/ related files. A configuration file for Reflection for HP 32 bit (ver. 6.0) to connect to the server interactive interface.
varia/database/ database backend support files. The database creation script and schema upgrade scripts (SQL scripts).
varia/patch/ patch against libmodem-1.0.0. It contains Angelo's modifications, but also introduces 4 additional functions. Unified diff format.
varia/scripts/ some bash shell scripts I wrote to generate usage statistics.
An example for a script to be used as target for an incoming message feed. Contributed by Andrew Worsley.
varia/scripts/SuSE/ Sample System V init script and related configuration file. Can be used "as-is" under SuSE 9.3. Just put in place and run insserv smslink. Takes care of starting and stopping both sms_serv(1) and sms2mailgw(1) daemons. Makes sure SMSLink starts after MySQL, if present.
varia/web/ a basic web interface to SMSLink (Perl CGI script).

Last Modified: September 29th, 2006.
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